Let's take a look at the criteria for urban development. Before you begin, I would like you to give a look at the documents in the link I am attaching http://www.urbanisticafoggia.org/index.php/prg/intro.html
where you should find all specific requirements, published by the city of Foggia, realzizazione for a "General Plan and appropriate force". In addition, it would be nice read the concept of aesthetic associated with the prehistoric http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architettura need to create a housing complex. You will discover interesting things about the beauty combined with strength and functionality. Turning to Foggia you may have noticed how the rural surfaces, then engaged on surfaces "maybe" building have increased exponentially at the expense of green areas. But this is not the point. It would be too trivial. Many areas, that of respect for those who live there do not mention, were covered with two types of housing: tower (classic square), L-shaped building or pilot (maximum of two or three floors) with penetration of road that serves a snowball of "cottages" row. I do not question the construction quality of the settlements mentioned above, but surely the speculative overbuilding led to costrutia anywhere, without a proper regulatory strategy of building surfaces to the requirements of green and welfare of the people of Foggia. Where are the works of appreciation of our history? Where are the places of remembrance of our fellow citizens who gave their lives for our city or country? But not enough. Have you tried to ask the price of a semi-detached house which is spread over two floors with local arts and crafts under the mezzanine floor area may not "officially"? At least 600,000 euros up to amounts equal to 750000. I understand that Darwin has repeatedly highlighted the problem natural selection of species, but here we find an abuse dell'offeta the demand. The costs of construction, regardless of the selling price of the land is considered a standard of quality of materials used, are much lower than the price of purchase / sale. Can a city based on its GDP only cement / building exaggerated? I think not. So, I hope that all those claiming they can actually sit at a table to create a "beautiful" land-use plan that takes into account the welfare of the citizen and not the interests foggiano the contractor and those around him. Building permits are granted to those who combines good profit. And not only the ability directly proportional to the population realizzabile.Piazze money, public works, gardens, works of art of our local artists. This must be our lifeblood. The armed calcetsruzzo a color appropriate to our little town. It will be useful, but certainly not beautiful. Foggia And we love the beautiful.
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