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Transportation and mobility Gino Lisa Airport. Airports are a strategic infrastructure and provide a resource for any "polis" which has expansionist designs. An asset but not a burden. Often, I note that airlines have great difficulty in being able to obtain not only one way I see fashion as a point of departure or arrival, but also to survive later. Let me explain. Eg. The air route Foggia - Rome, which should be strategic, he often found great difficulty in "taking off". Yet, if you see the track number 4 of the station, you will recognize the continuing large number of people who take the train Foggia - Rome Termini at any time. And even at very salty. Thus, the need to achieve the eternal city Foggia is a clear and obvious. But then, why not use the air carrier? Let's see why: many of you have seen or heard an advertisement in a penetrating way related to the airline Foggia - Rome? Guess very few, because I have monitored the time to view the advertising companies and some recent was small. How many of you know how to reach the airport by means other than their own? Guess very few. How many of you know that the time of check-in is not always 2 hours before but also 30 min. before the flight? Very few, but hopefully many more. 54 minutes of travel are very few, yet people Foggia preferred the train. For ticket prices relatively higher plane? For the total journey time, counting from Fiumicino to Termini and then you have to reach there from their home in Rome? For the first problem, buying airline tickets well in advance, fares are often lower than the train and usually has its commuter travel planning for a long time tempo.I Total Travel? Case Train: 2h 54 'if we take the Eurostar to 48 Euro 2 cl, coming to terms (subject to frequent delays). Air Case: 30 / 1 for check-in - Baggage, 54 min travel, 10 min to reach the station at Fiumicino Airport, 30 minutes for Termini for a total of 2 hours and 4 minutes, not to mention that many agree most arrive in Fiumicino to Termini. The result is pretty clear. And this for the commuter-average traveler. And for the tourist business strategies of air Have you ever thought how many pilgrims could reach San Giovanni Rotondo in Foggia and then coming through a dedicated bus to get to San Giovanni Rotondo? So, plane - bus - all inclusive hotel. Or focus on business strategy characterized by cultural tourist trips to the hinterland and Foggia province (given the cultural heritage we have) with the same concept, eg. advertising, too, on the Gargano realx weekend in our beautiful beaches: plane - bus - hotel - beach for a weekend at very competitive prices. The ideas are there, come on, we begin to act. The next step will be relating to safety.
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