Thursday, March 17, 2011
Amethyst To Wear On Which Finger?
Dear friends Foggia,
In this day of celebration, a pervading sense of belonging and sharing my heart.
We feel this strongly scented homeland.
Only together, with strength and national solidarity, we can hope for a better future. The singularity can not do anything but integrated in a project of united Italy. It is not demagoguery, and reality.
Foggia, a city of Italy, is proudly associated with this great national celebration.
Italy our wishes!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Enzymatic Toothpaste For Humans

Long live Italy, eh?
What then, if you think about it, Italy does not exist. Some Italian, that, yes, but still are too few to form a people. Because the strain is not uniform, because the Italians are true in France or America and have become strangers.
The Italians speak a thousand languages, the Italians do not understand. And those who understand they do not act with unity of purpose.
What unit for you? Having an official language, a common religion, a defined area to call home and be willing to die for it, but I'd rather you were all deserters who are defended by the usurpers of citizenship they call Italian.
Resistance already. Resistance of the manifestations of rampant gooders March 17, Resistance seen as the hypocrisy of defending people who sing the anthem and vote for the Northern League.
Basically, Padania does not exist. On 17 March, no, no. Why all eyes are focused elsewhere and it is real only what is objectively visible, tangible space.
not celebrate Trieste, Bolzano did not celebrate, do not celebrate the precarious, not celebrating the unemployed. Do not celebrate those whose future neighbor is obviously gone to fuck off.
It celebrates the birthday of the people, not land and buildings. And 'the clarity of all to have been lost on the road.
Today I waste. And since I'm not going to take up his nose while the others will celebrate more fun. St. Patrick for example, or Baudelaire, or this relative truth, which I will not attempt to impose or to make an absolute.
But I'm sorry, the words of love, than no, I can just tell you.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Anniversary Card Funny Messages
Notro loved Dante in Canto V of the Inferno: " incominican Or the mournful notes .
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Certain images will remain as scars inside. Come together for you and they stay there. And you're living, pretending that I have never been hurt or touched by the events, without thinking about what could be and, thankfully, was not. Burn like salt, some time ... In those dark moments of sadness where you cry and you do not know that. They come suddenly, with their burden of silence. Because maybe that was the only time you had fear, the real one, what makes you think that you could lose. And lose it all. That fear makes you blood run cold and you choke the breath. And see her in the eyes of those who now cry, even if you have the presumption think that is the same. Some feelings do not spend more, certain sounds and silences and tears and the fears you carry around forever. Thinking it is a moment. A fraction of a second. Stop. Immutable. Eternal.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Papel De Parede Petter Rabbit

11/03/2011 03:13 AM
E 'futile reach, are useless smoke signals Irish and barbecues and rum to slap the inhibitions on the couches that turn into lise hospital bed on Sunday morning.
make me laugh when you do that when I bring out the sentimental side I swallow, but then you vomit on him. It makes me laugh for two hundred thirty-six km Brondi when my distances are more than three times two hundred thirty-six km. Why
seem to me that we are the type of people who always puts in the most unlikely in future without the city, projects unlikely. We have those problems exist, the reasons forced the rationality necessary and devastating. I am the one that burns the hair to hell as he tries to light a cigarette. 're The one that digs into my idiosyncrasies and it brings out the best and I studied his lips and whispers my name, to remind me who is there with me.
I that the number of sleepless nights in the bus, the pages were less than that of the hallucinating nights of thoughts passed from adolescence to dissect, deny that. And think about what we became, and amazingly, because I did not think there were other people besides me wonderfully interesting. Damned away from passers-by.
Because I do not know if we will be back so close, I'm not sure that we will not lose orgasms on the street, do not betray us with illusions of Friday evening. I did not steal ideas, do not make me tremble.
human remains that I would just like when we met, that there we lost behind the conventions and social protocols of the couples on the street.
That is not as easy as the other times that the words I take to the hair to potertele write, I fear you mistake me for a woman who are not.
You are the first that I built, six the same as first imagined, are the first for many situations that I have no desire to recall.
Meanwhile, fill the pages of Countdown, inflazionali values \u200b\u200bof the thoughts that we are dedicated.
Meanwhile deny connections, as if we would meet anyway, because we are too similar to think that we would not be able to enter the same pub, sit at the same table.
Please drowns in the lake of my eyes and drink my words.
Although not return.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Increased Cervical Mucus And Late Period

Thursday, March 3, 2011
How To Put On A Bandana Snowboarding

Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Trichomoniasis How Long Can You Have It
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Do Reptiles Have A High Respiration Rate
Security. Unfortunately, the sense of security felt by the people of Foggia is falling day by day. Violence, robberies and petty crime are always ready to operate in an incisive, ruthless and illegal. We want to oppose this state of affairs? First of all, we respect the police forces and police who are at risk every day also the unexpected. Obviously we need to eliminate the concept of Foggia typically 'friend' / cronyism that undermines any intervention in line with the law. It started from a single, though. Having a deep sense of justice must be inherent in the soul, educated from an early age to respect for others and sense of justice, indeed. Is to ask you a question. Why all this crime and a sense dell'irrispetto? The pleasure of the forbidden and the easy money has always been a terrible engine of evil deeds. Add to that the deep poverty and ignorance of "prehistoric" Foggia families that do not "educate" their children but they "lead" to live tricks and abuses of power, with the sole purpose of surviving, not living fully. So young Foggia, we try to "know" to acculturate and to understand the why of things. Only then can we legally get what we need to live, and therefore, satisfying the basic necessities, we can devote our energies to improve ourselves and then our city gray, sad, anywhere with this echo of dialects spoken badly. Citizenship, culture, good will and respect for institutions. Do you live better if you steal the neighbor. We live better if you work for a better city. Everyone will enjoy, for sure.
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Gino Lisa Airport. Airports are a strategic infrastructure and provide a resource for any "polis" which has expansionist designs. An asset but not a burden. Often, I note that airlines have great difficulty in being able to obtain not only one way I see fashion as a point of departure or arrival, but also to survive later. Let me explain. Eg. The air route Foggia - Rome, which should be strategic, he often found great difficulty in "taking off". Yet, if you see the track number 4 of the station, you will recognize the continuing large number of people who take the train Foggia - Rome Termini at any time. And even at very salty. Thus, the need to achieve the eternal city Foggia is a clear and obvious. But then, why not use the air carrier? Let's see why: many of you have seen or heard an advertisement in a penetrating way related to the airline Foggia - Rome? Guess very few, because I have monitored the time to view the advertising companies and some recent was small. How many of you know how to reach the airport by means other than their own? Guess very few. How many of you know that the time of check-in is not always 2 hours before but also 30 min. before the flight? Very few, but hopefully many more. 54 minutes of travel are very few, yet people Foggia preferred the train. For ticket prices relatively higher plane? For the total journey time, counting from Fiumicino to Termini and then you have to reach there from their home in Rome? For the first problem, buying airline tickets well in advance, fares are often lower than the train and usually has its commuter travel planning for a long time tempo.I Total Travel? Case Train: 2h 54 'if we take the Eurostar to 48 Euro 2 cl, coming to terms (subject to frequent delays). Air Case: 30 / 1 for check-in - Baggage, 54 min travel, 10 min to reach the station at Fiumicino Airport, 30 minutes for Termini for a total of 2 hours and 4 minutes, not to mention that many agree most arrive in Fiumicino to Termini. The result is pretty clear. And this for the commuter-average traveler. And for the tourist business strategies of air Have you ever thought how many pilgrims could reach San Giovanni Rotondo in Foggia and then coming through a dedicated bus to get to San Giovanni Rotondo? So, plane - bus - all inclusive hotel. Or focus on business strategy characterized by cultural tourist trips to the hinterland and Foggia province (given the cultural heritage we have) with the same concept, eg. advertising, too, on the Gargano realx weekend in our beautiful beaches: plane - bus - hotel - beach for a weekend at very competitive prices. The ideas are there, come on, we begin to act. The next step will be relating to safety.
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start with the infrastructure and transport. The picture is nothing short of terrible Foggia. The streets are all badly made, new roads have huge lead times, the airport has the potential to be able to "accommodate" some type of air carriers, the flights are not publicized, there are strategies for commercial entice tourists to reach Foggia, etc.. But we continue with the streets. Is often walk the San Vittore - Venafro - Isernia - Campobasso. The streets of Molise are highly maintained, in excellent condition, not to mention the variant Venafro - Caianello the schedule for which have been fast and produced a beautiful highway. As our Foggia - Cerignola? Nearly 30 years we are deliberately !!!!!! But why? Not want to get into a political debate gangster would not make sense here, however, there seems an impossible situation? Think of the Road Volturara - Volturino. Disastrous for banks without the rain, full of holes and never maintenanced. I regret to say, but it is the fault of the administration of Foggia. How to solve this problem: An action control of local administrators who must "see" the situation in person, ask in advance the funds for its work in public security, without being tempted by corruption. The funds are there But be channeled in the right direction. And finally, a clear plan and a plan for road transport infrastructures through which the road can Evere market foggiano the right support. To sum up: planning, application for funds, monitoring the progress of work, maintenance and protection against corruption of contracts. In the next topic we will talk about Gino Lisa airport.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Computer Sid What Does -1004 Mean

How Long Will Epididymitis Last After Treatment?

a minute or years, and then life says.
Alessandro Baricco, Castelli di Rabbia
wait, then. To understand the meaning, purpose, direction. Because now it's all terribly blurred, as when you find it difficult to recognize the line between good and evil, as when you do not know what the truth is. And I pledge to be mature, wise, and best critic, not to spur yourself to blame others, events, age, but not enough. Do you feel the victim and perpetrator, is bad logic, vivacity and melancholy. It happens. Maybe it true that the day will come when everything will be clear. Now it is not. This remnant of life that tomorrow I will have forgotten, it's all nonsense. Who speaks in the name of God, forgetting that God is not the exclusive property of anyone and that nobody can claim the right to be considered superior or more deserving than others who look to the past and justifies all alone with the weakness of a moment forgetting that the will can govern impulse and he who prides himself on justice and kindness without realizing that the first and largest mission is to be authentic in its daily, and who continues to struggle to be recognized because it is not considering what's that, sometimes, what belongs to us is not what we deserve, and whoever comes to resorts, thieves and whores forgetting that the world is not only true of resot, thieves and whores. So much has happened ... maybe nothing happened ... I'm waiting for answers. But I do not know if I made the right questions.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Soft High Cervix During Period

wind, my friend, caress your skin, protect it
friendly stars you!
in my life I wrote all
but I've never written about her ...
because words do not serve
because no one would understand ...
a sweet sound coming from afar,
and a pleasant scent of roses.
I saw the axes move up to the sun, I saw
warriors move towards the path indicated
I saw men and women of courage ...
but tonight I wanted was your face again!
it's time to let my warriors to march, no one can stop us ...
tonight toast to victory or mourn the fallen brothers ...
is time to go ...
I turn one last time in search of her face ...
the brightness of his eyes ...
the sweetness of her smile!
I fear, I tremble, but I still ...
warriors need me ...
... as I would need you!
cullala moon for me,
wind, my friend, caress your skin, protect it
friendly stars you!
a sweet sound coming from afar,
and a pleasant scent of roses.
Now I see your face ...
Drapes For Burgundy Walls

old wolf my friend, yet friendly
Fly Eagle
Brother Bear
my way ... And once again we will beat paths unknown,
Pass mountains, great rivers
Surfing ....
in search of lost time! Let
behind the fears and sadness,
Now begins a new life, to do
A new journey together,
A new adventure ...
to face up to the big tree,
Until the night,
Come on it's time to leave, We look back
The journey is long who can not bring himself to stay,
will meet wild animals,
Knights of evil, wicked kings and sorcerers
Storms and earthquakes.
So are you ready?
The Journey Begins ...
... Kudos to those who fight!
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continues to speak to her
O finally left in peace my dreams?
Where does this sweet music that soothes my spirit?
And that smell of incense I confusing? Women
... what are those designs on your body?
Do you want to follow where do you take me?
what will be our goal?
not run, I can not keep your step ...
Donna, I can not ...
The old man is tired of the lake, but still has enough energy
to lift his ax to the sky in memory of ancient battles
In his old body still flows fire
listened to his stories all night and the morning was gone
I passed the gates of the temple to find peace
And there I found the ...
Are you there? I was looking for ...
What is my next goal?
He walked me to the threshold of tomorrow
where I saw a people sold by their king
I saw a people laughed and I saw the invader knee
embrace the traitor
I cried, I cried my mother
Seeing my people and My home defeat
I cried when they saw the blood flow of a hero in the streets
see the dead bodies the children of Italy kicked and humiliated Donna
me away from here, take me away ...
closed my eyes and lost consciousness!
wake up in the hands I found a black rose
I understood the meaning of my life ... I lift my ax ...
for blood
hero! For the Motherland!
For Italy!
Fluid In The Pouch Of Douglas

help everyone! I make donations! contribute towards the costs of charity! send clothes to Caritas! member associations are non-profit organization! I also volunteer when I can (to say the truth I did ...)! are not Catholic, but I observe the laws of morality, I believe in equal rights! do, say and act .... but!! I DO NOT TOLERATE
I'M NOT LEAVING ROM tolerated the presence of shopping centers and traffic lights, I do not tolerate
ROMANIAN Drunk and brawling in bars,
I will not tolerate our women Vivino IN TERROR,
I will not tolerate foreign prostitutes and viados ROAD ALSO TO DAY, I
not tolerate the presence of immigrants to managerial posts, I do not tolerate
I do not tolerate NON-IN LIST FOR HOUSING,
I do not tolerate METRO TRAINS AND FULL OF NON-without a ticket, I do not tolerate
GAY Let me feel discriminated against, I DO NOT TOLERATE
ALEMANNO and ended with Papal,
women with burqa on buses,
I can not tolerate full class CONSISTING OF FOREIGNERS, I do not tolerate
I DO NOT tolerate the arrogance of EXTRACOMMUNITARIAN,
I DO NOT tolerate the arrogance of GAY, I DO NOT TOLERATE
MI tolerate those who says we must be sympathetic, that we are all brothers, that we have become accustomed to a MULTIETHNIC ITALY ... I DO NOT TOLERATE ...!!
If that means being racist ... then I am, gentlemen!
And also ... I will not tolerate my friend Chiara, GRADUATE IN LAW WORKS IN A CALL CENTER IN A YEAR AND THAT WORK IS NOT EVEN CLOSE TO WHAT MINIMALLY 'you earn in a month ignoramus RECOMMENDED AS A CHILD BOSS (you will say, "and that there Bossi guesses now? Bossi says he Padon, Padania is not recognized dlla EU, not being a state, therefore Bossi Bossi c'azzecca NON-COMMUNITY .... and then ever! !)
And if you disagree with me ... GIVE A SHIT!
Valerio Arena (I assume the responsibility for what I write!)
Where To Take A Bus To Pala Casino
Dear Comrades, the last known published
, did I tell you that I would be away from the Movement for some time to rest and recharge batteries! Unfortunately I could not! I could not get away, now that the movement needs the most support of all, without exception! I want to congratulate some leaders that I have positively "surprised" by their awesome strength and courage, an example of all the Comrades of the Lombardy Region (just a few minutes ago I learned from the Regional Coordinator in that region continue to grow visibly) ... Congratulations to you! I want to congratulate, also, with the newcomers that joined the "arrogant" in our new structure more energy and I mean Luigi and Alessandra Cortese Bologna, not to mention my trusty collaborator Fabio Rossi and the "new advances that" Justin D ' Uva! But it would be a mistake on my part, thank you all! because if the movement is growing, if it starts to be appointed in blogs, newspapers and television stations, if the "partiton" and "anti-fascists" are starting to be scared of us ... it's about everyone of Vol .. no exceptions! And I thank you all! But soon I will not be just me in thanking you, but we are many, because the movement grows and acts ... and slowly, slowly the Italians are beginning to realize it! Recognizing courage, capacity, consistency and honesty!! But now we must not rest on our laurels, so it's just now that we have to produce their best efforts, we must increase our sacrifice ... and we observed our first slow down, are ready to attack! Therefore I ask you to bring your neighbor, contact your friend comrade tired of fighting has stopped, to form the coordination aitateci women and young people, interact with other coordinators and managers, we contribute to the initiatives of MPN, and the Young Women's Action wolves (as well as of our Associations College), programs, projects, organize, we act ... we fight! Is not it time for grain to Bar, the revolution (cultural and non-armed!) Started and I do not mean to be presumptuous ... that MPN will become protagonist! Officers, Comrades, Warriors Patria Nostra is now ... Turn the streets ... now!
honor those who fight!
to the national executive will tell you about the next important steps of MPN, and the Young Women's Action Wolves! U.S.!
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those sweet eyes in ecstasy as lost, and that gesture
move fast in her hair, as I
I can look and feel your scent is intoxicating.
I see like flashes in my "confused thoughts"
light penetrating the window and caress your forms.
're there in front of me, but
not hear your words!
And I project in the green fields and feel the scent of roses.
Little Goddess
my muse on this night of demons and knights,
your memory gives me strength!
me to lock me clutching my gun,
trying to stop the noise that surrounds me, from afar
sounds of bagpipes.
Awake old dragon,
friend of many battles,
it's time to fight again,
launch the war cry
and threw me against the enemy brandishing my double ax.
Tonight we dance on their corpses
and toast in their skulls, or we
unmarked graves?
fight for you Little Goddess
and if tomorrow I will not see the sun
succumbing in battle,
I will be happy to die with the memory of your smile in your eyes!
's time to go, sister
Come with death,
moon lights my way, wind portal
friend my hand, Axe
calms my anger,
is time to act!
Tonight we'll be heroes or unmarked graves?
Remember me ...
... and my spirit will live forever!