that happens then the whole city, the learned and the fat Bologna, weapons of paint, turpentine, and brushes and start cleaning up what others have soiled. E 'of 1 November (All Saints, and holidays) the news that a couple of parents in Bologna (four children, and with perhaps the most pressing needs to clean up graffiti on the walls), tired of seeing smeared in the parish house, you are armed, at their own expense, of means and good will, and have restored honor to the facade of the church of Santa Maria della Pietà in Via San Vitale. It 's just one of many examples of people or groups (before their Il Resto del Carlino, Ascom, Emil Bank etc. etc.) that are put into play to protect a city they love and who do not want to see scarred. Why? For love, public spirit and respect come first and your ground when you feel really, you're willing to put slightly from side to prevail over the rights and duties. Some of the most beautiful and characteristic of this city, especially in the university area, are unrecognizable. Cara Bologna, I remember it was, with this flavor of youth, with the musicians come and go with your walls intact and clean streets. Without the urine of stragglers or indefinite color of shame. About bivouac between the university road is probably the same people who write on the walls? Alas, I fear not. Vagrancy and crime do not always coincide. It would be a combination too easy, even ridiculous. Art is very subjective, and sometimes blurred boundaries broad, but can not be defined as art that leads to the absolute illegality. The most beautiful design in the world has no value on monuments, streets, palaces, but it is pure and simple destruction. Perhaps writers should devote to areas regulated ad hoc, but probably not even this would be the solution. The public spirit must be taught from an early age. As you cross the street and how that road should be respected and maintained. Everyone is free. To what does not infringe the freedom of others.
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