long knife
double ax,
children of the idea ...
warriors come from the past and I catch the thoughts,
time ruined by a flag waving in my dreams again!
long knife
double ax,
Heroes of the past ...
How many brothers have you seen fall?
How many tears you shed?
what is it worth?
long knife
double ax,
warriors of the idea ...
where you are finished heroes of the past?
children killed by the events of an idea!
are prisoners in faded photos
or yellowed newspaper articles.
yet heard your songs, your
battle hymn echoes still.
the night I hear the hooves of your horse ...
and that idea still alive!
long knife
double ax,
Warriors New Order ...
... we're back!
Arendt (dedicated to my President Giuseppe De Stefano, Biagio Ehrler, Samuel Di Battista, Dario Miccheli idea and all the Warriors!)
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