My Third Way!
Dear Comrades, with this note, I would like to clear up misconceptions and misunderstandings! The Movement Patria Nostra (we love Italy!), Of which I am honored to be among the leaders, has for months engaged in various campaigns and major initiatives: understands and supports Italian Product, No to Busi-TV, safety public parks and roads, Awareness Campaign Donate blood and platelets, the part of students to Isernia ... and many more! This has aroused the curiosity of many people who have decided to join our movement, but also of different parties and movements who want to work with us on joint initiatives. Thus it seems fair to clarify a few things: often, in my notes you've read of fascism and the third way, in some passages I said, and I still do, that the only way possible is the third way, which is neither right nor left! as a result of these my statements, I have seen it coming comments on national-communists, communists patriotic ... speaking of theories of union between post-post-fascists and communists who should set off together towards this road! Definitely romantic image, I can already see the two set out in a flowery meadow on the horizon! DICK! How can I, and I speak Arena Valerio, walk together with their children (in a political sense) of those who concealed the existence of Foibe, who denied the existence of partisan massacres, who fired just over thirty years ago on on defenseless children, of those who said that is not a crime to kill a fascist, who wrote his will in the history books, of whom (and I mean today) cry 10 - 100-1000 Nasiriyah, pointing to those who call me dirty fascist murderess ... ..!!!!!
My Third Way is a different thing, my name is Third Way: "Fascism!"
What could be further from the right and left of Fascism? Nothing! Fascism embraces all and the opposite of everything! It was Socialism, was corporatism was, and is, in itself ... it was a current, and the Third Way! Other
that communists and fascists together, but Cameragni (Union of Comrades and Fellow), fascism is the only way! Attention, I'm not a nostalgic, nor a fool, I know that fascism is over years ago and animated characters that are missing and that there are not equal among the politicians of today, I can see the mistakes made in that period, never I will say that everything was perfect, but I know that we can still learn from that movement, because his ideas are still applicabilissime:
"in domestic policy the watchword is: definitely go to the people, to give effect to our economic civilization that is far from monopolistic abberrazioni of Bolshevism, but also the inadequacies of the liberal economy stradocumentate ""... This step which I transcribed was written by Benito Mussolini on 5/10/1931!
"corporatism and regulated economy, and therefore controlled, because you can not think of a discipline that control.
corporatism than the socialism and liberalism over, create a new synthesis.
We have rejected the theory of 'economic man, the liberal theory, and we hoisted whenever we hear that the work is pure commodity.
The economic man does not exist, there is the whole man that is political, which is economical, which is holy , which is warrior "1933 Benito Mussolini!
"The economy respects the principle of corporate property private. The privately owned full human personality: it is a right and, if it is a right, is also a duty. So we think that the private prorpietà must be understood in social function, then the property is not passive, but active ownership that does not just enjoy the fruits of wealth, but develops them, it increases them, multiplies them. "Benito Mussolini 15 / 01/1934
"One of the most burlesque of socialist literature was to believe that human happiness depended exclusively on more or less complete satisfaction of material needs. And this is absurd. "Benito Mussolini 11/03/1926
is ramped up to the civilized world, in all social classes, an insatiable desire for material enjoyment. It seems as if humanity does not see any purpose before him, if not to enjoy it intensely. And it is the feverish search for forms of pleasure, while moderation and urgerebbero work pay. We must contain and combat this dangerous trend
and I could go on for hours citarvi steps "momentous" and "present" the idea of \u200b\u200b"Greater Italy" that we have handed our fathers. An idea, of course, to modernize but not to twist (something done by some famous people who declare themselves "fascists"). This is my third way! An Idea of \u200b\u200bmodern fascism: this is the third way, neither right nor left!
"Around the tombs of the leaders of those big changes, which are called revolutions, there can never be peace, but all that was done will not be able to be deleted. While my spirit, now freed from matter, he will live after the little earthly life, eternal life and God's universal "