I do not write for a while ....
Rebuilding Alea I jammed the brain in this period, always present in the head, an obsession, so that you know better, as the absence of nicotine ... agitated, restless ... too many people to contact, to see, to thank all ...
Fortunately we are close to the finish. Or Friday or Monday afternoon (work permitting) I go to the retreat.
I do not want to talk about these months of absence, of what we have done or said ... the important thing now is just take it from you BI!
So ... that mean?
Yes, we talk about the monster, my monster!
I tried to sell it, yes, a wonderful 999 (you can say nice) I did get the monkey but luckily (fortunately?) Is leaving the car there and then the little money you must keep them.
And with them the monster!
So, what better opportunity to apologize and make amends with the monster of chicchette? Before
a good wash and polish:

Then the first gift:

And the second:

Then I asked if I could Sandro take the black rearsets mounted Bibi.
He agreed, and so through a friend I did repair the right ... came not perfect, but it does not matter ... Alea important that something is with me ...
Pantarei Sunday along with the good we have assembled a
wow SHOW
now it's just finding a way to put the passenger seat because with the collectors at 45 ° there will be space.
The latter gave us some problems:
We went in at less than 1mm ... So I made 4 small cuts of about 2 cm, heated everything and tadaaaaaaa, revenue ... but obviously cause nicks vented.
Tonight I'm going to buy a Ducati store in metal bands, have a thickness of about 5cm so solve the problem.
But the real question is how to fix the Mistral to the frame. Here in the hardware area, I find nothing ... I hope that the parent give me suggestions.
Now we have to pick up the monster. He's doing the tire change ... more good Nardi me is setting further platforms, increase the speed when the foot touches the stand ...
I can not wait to go back!
A quick photo shoot!
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