Tuesday, October 26, 2010
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The white sheet
http://www.lastampa.it/_web/cmstp/tmplRubriche/editoriali/gEditoriali.asp?ID_blog=25&ID_articolo=7999&ID_sezione=&sezione =

Friday, October 8, 2010
Why Are People Posting Numbers On The Facebook
Head down
Then they ask you why do not you get married, no children do not go on vacation or not you buy a pair of jeans. As part of the country focuses on homes in Monaco, confessions gay, escort and audience figures, the top-atra real one, thinking that, what you strive for respiratory ends meet. To try to achieve a dream that will never reach, hoping to settle for another year of temporary employment to 600 € per month, weighing the cost of the mortgage, bills and melancholy. Already, melancholy ... The one that takes you look back and think that perhaps you could have done more and better. What makes you look around in an empty room, and think that you are sitting where they want to be. So perhaps it was better not bringing this dream in this country that knows so much, he, of melancholy. What are you trying to be nice to describe it as poets and painters, but he does not know anymore. And then that country is one in which those who are young you feel already defeated and who dreams them live like a nightmare? I really believe that having always had a dream to realize the importance? It is a vision too romantic to live where and how we live. It is useful to him who builds his dream if he as along the way, discovering a time po'alla skills and talents that he who has the same dream, always, always the same, always out of reach. Why do anything different from that dream will always be second choice. And as surprising, stimulating or satisfying it may be, the second choice is the only copy of the original. Approaching always in the shadow of what you want is as demeaning to stay in the dark and shadow, not even see it.

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Live life
life winds through the remote control keys, including the advertising of a toothpaste and come and go signal digitale.La lives of those who lost a son, who was brutally murdered, and finds out before the cameras and the eyes of millions of people are curious, morbid, petrified. Live from the house of the murderer, all while you study and you pity. What is the limit? And most importantly, there is still a limit? When the TV appeals to cease to be useful for people who have disappeared and are transformed into the stage of pure emotion? The mother on RAI-3, on Rai2 his brother, his cousin on Canale 5, Italia 1 on the murderess world ... that is where the pain, the disgust, the agony and shame come to us so powerfully in the house? Throw away the key of the person who basely showed that there was a pain for a nephew whom he had only to love and guide for a father that has torn apart forever the soul of his daughters, a husband who has torn his wife of being Donna. LET'S KNOCK away, but with her throw the remote controller. That the news is news, while maintaining freedom and dignity. But we do not like the keyhole, spying a pain, even if those who live freely chooses to showcase the media guilty or not, makes us feel dirty and unfit. They say that television is entertainment, truth, pastime. I do not know what to do with this reality show whose characters worries me as those who ask them. It is not the suffering of others my entertainment. Dear Sarah, rest in peace.

Monday, October 4, 2010
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Night Trip 2010 - 3 October

Appointment Sunday 8.15 am on the first coming out of the Agip junction towards Florence.
and I start from Tata Zagarolo around 7.20 and we are almost the first to arrive. After a few minutes
Legionnaires arrive.
Breakfast, supply side management and Orvieto with cleats in command ... that cold and fog ... Fortunately, Ricotta and Red with their "teasing" us entertained along the route.
You arrive in Orvieto and shortly after the gas was filled with twins
Ready? It starts!
Wonderful tour, stunning scenery, perfect roads and excellent organization. A 50in
ducats that attract the attention of all inhabitants in the fast break refreshments. With Tata
we had great, a lot less suffering for her to lunch ... then bends down and "caps" on the road meant that the pains reappeared.
Around 17 back to the place appointment to Oriveto.

Then each returned to their streets.
Some of us rolled up the highway (we are accomplices to the fact that we had to go back to the dwarf Zagarolo) others decide to go for alternative routes as far as Rome.
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ride solo
quiet ride before ending the holidays ... few hours ...
Immediately after lunch I decide to go into the garage and take the bike ... direction? booooh, while I go then we'll see ...
the end I opted for a quiet, peaceful path: prenestina to Palestrina and from there upwards direction Capranica and up until now Guadagnolo.
Road beautiful panoramic and speaking perfect asphalt (Dad was right) and great fun and very challenging corners, plus a bright sun and temperatures in spring. A road
highly recommended.
be repeated as an output stage while a bit longer.

Saturday, October 2, 2010
How Much Does It Cost To Laminate A Book
Candide feathers on our sins

Once we were there on that bed
alive and drunk
scroll to look at the days
colors, screaming, people
dressed in smiles and unusual words
covered by my blood
and warmed by your.
Once we promised
not get up more
and watched the leaves turn yellow and fall
doing nothing to
because nothing would be served.
Eri drugs, so was I.
but the sheets were wrested from the
and exploded in the air cushion
spreading white feathers on our sins.
Once we care of the rest
but in a few days leave
hoping to find on my return
new sheets on your bed
and the open window
on winter arrives.
And you
dahlias and dried on the bedside table
and another year to say goodbye again.
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