(letter sent to Cofferati October 10, 2004, this time to the official website of the City)
Dear Mayor, I am forced
to undergo a matter of "micro" that could really disappear into the sea of \u200b\u200bissues "macro" you are facing, but since this little problem about my daily life, my family and all the residents of my street, I ask myself the same .
Gold Street, my street is a short walk from Porta Castiglione, and while I do the best possible use of walk and bike every now and then to upload / download, I have to get into the car.
Well, on my way to get in the car, instead of going thirty yards that separate it from the ring road, I am forced to take a tour of nearly a mile long, all in the old town and all of course with the engine running. Of course what do I need to do all the others. Until a few months ago lived on that stretch of Via Castiglione in an old bus lane, which (admit it) every time I walked without having the right to the famous thirty meters. But now a few months, thanks to one of the last actions of the junta earlier, the lane is gone, replaced from parking for motorcycles and cars.
I'll ask you to consider restoring a hundred feet of steps to reach from the Golden Gate via Castiglione, of course, be made available only to residents, with the usual rules of the old town. Those
hundred feet would allow among other things, and here again the interest of the rider, to (re) construct the invisible but powerful bike path via Castiglione, Viazzolo alley, via degli Angeli, Via Orfeo, which allows the Porta Castiglione easy to reach by bike via Dante and Piazza Carducci without the avenues, that bikes are now taboo. I enclose a
schemino that facilitates the understanding of that I maybe a bit 'vaguely asked.
course thank you for your interest and wish you good work